Peninsula Grill in Charleston, SC feat. on Throwdown! with Bobby Flay

Peninsula Grill in Charleston, SC Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Throwdown! with Bobby Flay


2 minute read

Peninsula Grill

This is the best place to eat in the Charleston. The food here is AMAZING. I was in a large group of people (10 of us). Our service was great!

Restaurant Information

-address: 112 N Market St, Charleston, SC 29401, USA
-email address
-phone number (843) 723-0700 phone number for Peninsula Grill”)

Social Media for the Peninsula Grill Restaurant


Latest Youtube Videos

This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: Chef Bob Carter of Peninsula Grill
description: Chef Bob Carter of Peninsula Grill in Charleston, SC gives a sneak peak of the delectable dish he will be preparing at the Lowcountry Food Bank’s 12th annual…

title: PENINSULA GRILL 11 20 12

title: Peninsula Grill Review
description: We recently ate at the Peninsula Grill in Charleston, SC. Here is what I think of the meal we had. 1st food picture is the Fmaous Coconut Cake. 2nd is Chocol…

title: Gamboni’s Peninsula Grill
description: 10/02/2009.

title: Traverse City Restaurants Week - Time Lapse - TCRW
description: Traverse City Restaurant Week - A Hulet “City Motion” Production Enjoy the third annual Traverse City Restaurant Week from February 24 to March 2, 2013. Part…