COYOTE CAFE in Santa Fe, NM feat. on Rachael Ray $40 a Day

COYOTE CAFE in Santa Fe, NM Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Rachael Ray $40 a Day

Joe Foodie

1 minute read


I recently ckecked out the Coyote Cafe on a recent visit to Santa Fe. There aren’t a whole lot of fine-dining options in the city, I could see this as a great place for a first date or birthday dinner.

Restaurant Information

-address: 132 W Water St, Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA
-no email address available if you know it and want to help out let us know
-phone number (505) 983-1615 phone number for COYOTE CAFE”)

Social Media for the COYOTE CAFE Restaurant

-no twitter available if you know it and want to help out let us know

Latest Youtube Videos

This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
description: Joni Harms.