LaMill in Los Angeles, CA feat. on Unique Eats

LaMill in Los Angeles, CA Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Unique Eats


2 minute read


LAMILL Coffee is one of the better coffee houses & roasters in LA. I’d personally rank the espresso fourth after Cognoscenti, Single Origin and Intelligentsia.

Restaurant Information

-address: 1636 Silver Lake Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA
-email address
-phone number (323) 663-4441 phone number for LaMill”)

Social Media for the LaMill Restaurant


Latest Youtube Videos

This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: Dyrus’ Dad Vlog
description: Dyrus’ dad films myself and Hawkinz at the season 2 world championship playoffs in LA. (I look terrible too!)

title: Lamill and Sarah’s LoLVlog
description: Currently staying in Sydney to attend ESGN Winter event!

title: Lamill Pre USA Vlog
description: Excuse the huge bags under my eyes, I had just woken up from a nap. Don’t know if I will post more of these depends on how many of you guys actually like thi…

title: Lamill at League of Legends Season 2 World Playoffs
description: In LA.

title: Lamill’s Adventures - ESGN Afterparty
description: I attended ESGN Winter, a lan event in Sydney, and this is how we partied afterwards :D Facebook: Twitte…