Il Vagabondo in New York, NY feat. on The Best Thing I Ever Ate

Il Vagabondo in New York, NY Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show The Best Thing I Ever Ate


2 minute read

Il Vagabondo

Favorite Italian in the city, Chicken parm is top notch & consistent, the breading on that juicy cut of chicken is amazing, and it’s not too cheesy.

Restaurant Information

-address: 351 East 62nd Street, New York, NY 10065, USA
-email address
-phone number (212) 832-9221 phone number for Il Vagabondo”)

Social Media for the Il Vagabondo Restaurant


Latest Youtube Videos

This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: Io Vagabondo - Nomadi (con testo)
description: Io Vagabondo cantata da Danilo dei Nomadi: testo e immagini.

title: Nomadi - Io vagabondo
description: L’inno per la libertà assoluta. Dedicato a Martino, mio fratellone vagabondo, T.V.B.

title: Lilly e il Vagabondo (Bella notte) - Dolce sognar
description: Cena romantica a base di spaghetti per Lilly e il Vagabondo.

title: Lilli e il Vagabondo – Dolce Sognar | HD
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title: Angelo Branduardi - La canzone di Aengus il vagabondo
description: Donovan Philip Leitch/Luisa Zappa Branduardi, versi originali di W.B.Yeats, tradotti in italiano da Luisa Zappa. Disegni di Cronogeo. http://www.branduardi.i...