Licari's Sicilian Kitchen in Grand Rapids, MI feat. on 3 Days to Open with Bobby Flay
Licari's Sicilian Kitchen in Grand Rapids, MI Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show 3 Days to Open with Bobby Flay
Licari’s Sicilian Kitchen
Licari’s Sicilian Pizza Kitchen Licari’s is a casual, energetic, and affordable neighborhood pizza kitchen conveniently located in Celedon New Town next to the Crushed Grape.
It’s airy, easy-going, and our spin on the Sicilian food is as delicious as the atmosphere.
Claim a spot in our restaurant and order up some serious pizza, relax with a glass of wine, or perhaps with a bottle of wine from our reasonably priced wine list. Buon Appetito!
Say it in Italian Buon appetito (have a good meal): (boo-on app-èt-it-oh) before a dinner with friends say this to the whole company and expect the same answer in return. it is a blessing for the meal to come.
Restaurant Information
-address: 2869 Knapp Street Northeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49525, USA
-email address
-phone number (616) 608-6912 phone number for Licari’s Sicilian Kitchen”)
Social Media for the Licari’s Sicilian Kitchen Restaurant
-no twitter available if you know it and want to help out let us know
Latest Youtube Videos
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title: Licaris Pizza Kitchen, Grand Rapids MI
description: If you want authentic Sicilian food in Grand Rapids, you have to try Licaris! The menu range from pastas to pizzas, each dish has been perfected. Stop on in …
title: What’s Brewing? Licari’s in limelight
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title: How to make an Authentic Traditional Sicilian Pizza (Part II)
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